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Krisna Patel
Dec 6, 20141 min read
SIF (Student Innovation Fellow) Experience
Can’t believe it has already been a semester since I’ve been a SIF. The time went by so fast. Well this experience just keeps getting...
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Krisna Patel
Dec 6, 20141 min read
As mentioned in my prior posts, I am working on the SIF Outreach Project to try to promote the technology spaces found on the GSU campus....
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Krisna Patel
Dec 6, 20141 min read
So as the semester takes its toll, I would like to reflect on my first semester working at the CURVE. It is pretty chill for the most...
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Krisna Patel
Sep 9, 20141 min read
Uncovering the best video software
Being a marketing major, I slowly started to gain an eye as to how to promote a certain product or service. I’m really excited to work on...
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