Want to learn how to make your resume stand out from the others? Here's some quick tips that you can apply today. #1: Keep it short and simple - bullets over lengthy sentences.
#2: Use strong action verbs and accomplishments - how did you make the role better (DON'T make your work experience sound like a job description).
#3: Bump up your resume to the job posting - do your skills match up to the role? Try restating each bullet in the role against your experience and if it's at least an 80% match, then apply!
#4: Don't be afraid of color and design - make your resume visually appealing to it stands out in a stack of mundane papers. #5: Make sure your resume reflects all of you - skills, experience and personality. Because at the end of the day, it is YOU on a piece of paper.
To learn more on how I can help, check out www.theresumephoenix.com today!