I think it is already obvious that 3D Atlanta is like my baby. Been one of my favorite projects to be a part of. So what is going on with 3D Atlanta lately? Well modeling team is always on their toes creating mesmerizing builds. Kimball House, Old Equitable Building, and Olympia Building are a few buildings that have/in the works of being added to our model. Research side continues to gather more pictures of buildings around Atlanta to help the modeling team draft the builds. We are working on collaborating with Computer Science classes by providing them with building images to create builds. Allie and I drafted a list of 30 simple buildings, and are working on gathering more images for better 360 view of the buildings for them.
I am also working with the library to have another Oculus Rift session during final week, since the first one was such a great success. Hopefully we can use both screens on the 1st floor of Library North with the one for Manuel Tavern interactive model and one for 3D Atlanta. We’ll see how it plans out. But for now, this is the update on the 3D Atlanta project.
Til next time,